Posted by Alice McCall on 11th May 2022

“Florals? For Spring? Groundbreaking.” -Miranda Priestley

As we enter May, now might be the time where we are considering giving your kitchen a revamp. Whether this is a complete redecorate, a deep clean and reorganise, or even just replacing the handles on your cabinetry, I am here to offer you some inspiration.

One trend that has cropped up time and time again in my research is combining vintage and modern aesthetics. This gives the effect of a clean look without your kitchen looking too surgical (looking at you, Kim Kardashian). You can achieve this effect with by simply bringing some vintage furniture into your kitchen, and I would also recommend looking at our range of vintage cast iron shelf brackets to set the look off.

If you want to get your guests talking, why not paint your kitchen in vibrant, contrasting colours? I’m thinking pink and green, or blue and orange. Be careful with the tones that you use, and be sure to look at how your colours look in different lights. This is a trend that can just as easily look cheap as classy.

It seems that 2022 is the year of bold home decor, as metallic detailing is growing in popularity in home decor. This is understandable, as metals can draw the eye to your cabinetry, and give rooms different atmospheres depending on the material. For example, brass will warm a room up while steel will make it feel cooler.

Brass in particular is popular this year, so it is worth noting that we have a beautiful range of brass handles on our website.

Open shelves are also coming into the forefront of kitchen design. By hanging a couple of shelves in the place of a few (but not all of) your kitchen cabinets, you can create areas of focus in the room. To keep your kitchen looking beautiful, put your most aesthetically pleasing food packaging or utensils on these shelves, and consider buying yourself some new shelf brackets.

Finally, turning the kitchen into an extension of the living room is a trend that we are seeing more and more of. I believe that the pandemic is to blame for this, as many of us were having to find ways to section out our homes in order to be productive while isolating. Because of this, it is no longer uncommon to find desks or comfy chairs taking up space in the kitchen. I personally love this trend, as it’s a way to make the kitchen feel more inviting.

Which is your favourite trend? And have you noticed any others? Send us a message and let us know!